Impact & Accountability

Impact Report, Accountability and Financial Transparency

Build-a-School Initiative will not be possible without the dedicated effort of our leadership team. We are blessed to have a team of passionate individuals, volunteers and board of trustees that believe in the mission and our vision to educate all children in a safe environment.

Real Impact of Build-a-School Initiative Programs

Build-a-School Initiative was born out of a need. A need that drives us to dare. To believe that "All children, no matter where they live or what their circumstances, have the right to quality education, especially in Africa."

We envision a world where no child is left behind in getting education in a safe and comfortable environment. To help create that world, Build-a-School Initiative  is dedicated to creating, building or restoring school buildings all across Africa.

We realize this is a daunting task, when you consider the amount of needs that we see, but we are not deterred because we know that with strong partnerships with donors, corporate partners, community leaders and good people around the world, we can bring the hope of education to to millions of children, one school building at a time.

Build-a-School Initiative: Our Mission. Our Vision. For Education of Children

Our mission is to facilitate, accelerate, amplify, and provide world-class educational infrastructures for children in Africa’s poorest communities. Learn about our mission

We Envision a world where children – even in the poorest areas of Africa - are empowered to achieve quality education in a safe and welcoming classroom environment. Learn about our Vision

Our Core Values and Guiding Principles is C.H.I.L.D.R.E.N. Learn about our core values

Accountability and Financial Transparency

Build-a-School Initiative was born out of a need. A need that drives us to dare. To believe that "All children, no matter where they live or what their circumstances, have the right to quality education, especially in Africa."

We envision a world where no child is left behind in getting education in a safe and comfortable environment. To help create that world, Build-a-School Initiative  is dedicated to creating, building or restoring school buildings all across Africa.

We realize this is a daunting task, when you consider the amount of needs that we see, but we are not deterred because we know that with strong partnerships with donors, corporate partners, community leaders and good people around the world, we can bring the hope of education to to millions of children, one school building at a time.

Learn about Build-a-School Initiative Individual Project Impact

Each of our projects are carefully selected to fill a need in the community. As you might expect, we have hundreds of request from distressed communities all over Africa. We are constantly on the move. See our Completed, Planned and Upcoming project reports for each of Build-a-School Initiative project.
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