Promote Teacher Development & Empowerment

Teacher Development & Empowerment Program of Build-a-School Initiative

Empowered Teachers Define Students' Future

Teacher empowerment in education are essential for the teachers to personalize their teaching methods to meet the requirements of the class's diversity. It is the empowered teachers in whose hand it all lies. 

Undoubtedly, teachers have the most significant influence on students when it comes to learning. If a school is to produce successful students, we believe that it is imperative for teachers to be equipped with modern tools and techniques of knowledge transfer and teaching methods.

It is also essential that teachers continually develop teaching skills to improve communication mode with the students, allowing for a steady flow of knowledge from them to the students. To provide quality education to the underprivileged, we also take it as our responsibility to ensure that we have top-notch teachers under our fold that are continually learning to do better.

We significantly invest in teacher empowerment so they may enhance their skills and engage the students for better outcomes. Empowered Teachers Define Students' Future. Join our cause of teacher empowerment and help us better the world slightly more, one teacher and classroom at a time. 

Our Teachers Development and Empowerment initiatives is centered around four cardinal programs. 
Technology Training for Teachers Program

An empowered teacher is one who has sufficient resources to convey her message to the students effectively. Technology is continually advancing, and while many schools excel in using updated technology, the schools for many underprivileged have only begun now. We take expertise in providing quality education, which we believe comes from teacher empowerment in education.

One such form of teacher empowerment is ensuring that the teachers are well-equipped with the technology they are using. We arrange workshops where teachers are trained to their full potential. After they have been trained, the teachers make their way to their classrooms to transfer the knowledge to the students.

While the whole world is thriving with advancements, the children in Africa struggle even to find schools. Please contribute to the cause of teacher empowerment in schools, so we are enabled to bring as many children as we can into our fold of changing the course of literacy in Africa. 

Teachers Continuous Education Program

Its role in increasing teacher motivation also illustrates the importance of empowerment, and we do that by bringing in new teaching methods. Many schools worldwide don't use captivating teaching methods, and thus, their students fail to learn crucial skills such as innovation and creativity. We encourage our teachers to be expressive in their teaching methods, adapting an out of the box approach towards teaching students.

When new and different approaches are adopted, students are likely to be more interested in learning valuable information. It is only with a different teaching approach that students can learn problem-solving and innovative skills to enhance learning outcomes. From frequent classroom activities to art classes, we ensure we put in our best to bring out the best versions of the students.

With teaching methods that help students recognize they are potential; we are merely directing them better towards the goals they seek to reach. Play a part in the journey to their academic success by donating and allowing us to use better and better teaching methods in classrooms that take studying to a whole different level.

helping teachers improve teaching outcomes
helping teachers improve teaching outcomes
Teacher Resource Center Program

Communication is the key to success, quite literally. Without effective communication between the faculty and the teachers, there is no school body. Therefore, we create teacher resource centers for all our schools, allowing teachers to coordinate with hundreds of tasks much more efficiently. Be it something as little as obtaining the class schedule or as extensive as grading the students, our teacher resource centers helps the teachers in keeping up to date with all their responsibilities efficiently.

Build-a-School Initiative envision these centers  to become the mode of communication for the school management and community stakeholders with the teachers. These centers caters to it all, from training tutorials that help improve teachers' skills to important announcements. It has been long enough since the students in the underprivileged areas of Africa have been deprived of quality education that all other children seem to be gaining. In an initiative to better the literacy statistics and improve the country's growth, we have embarked on a journey of teacher empowerment in education, and we need you to continue to help us thrive in this direction.


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When you sponsor one of our school project, you are investing in something greater. You are helping to setup the children for success. At Build-a-School Initiative, we believe that all children have the right to quality education. And a quality education starts from a safe building and learning environment.

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What's the Urgency of The Situation? In a world where thousands of children go uneducated, you can help better the life of one right now. 

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